At the dental office of Paul Botsford, DMD, we make it our goal to ensure that everyone in your family has access to caring dentistry that meets their health needs at all ages. We are proud to bring our patients some of the best advancements in dental technology, coupled with our commitment to your health and wellness.
The New Patient Experience
When you call for your fist appointment, our team collects all necessary preliminary information, including dental history and a brief synopsis of medical history. We also obtain previous dental records so that at the time of your appointment, Dr. Botsford is up to speed regarding any oral health problems you may be experiencing. Patients have the opportunity to sit with Dr. Botsford for a consultation before proceeding into their new patient exam. Dr. Botsford takes time to explain things to patients make sure they understand everything involved in their treatment plan or routine dental visit. Our entire team wants to make sure that you are able to get the most out of your visit to our Medford, OR, dental office.
What Sets Us Apart
As a single practitioner dental office, we do not have an ever-changing staff, which is what you might experience at a chain dental clinic. Our hygienists and front office team are experienced, personable, and gentle. We take time to get know patients so they feel welcome and at-ease at our office. Our patients see the same dentist for every appointment, so that we are able to build positive relationships and connections.
Our Medford, OR, dental office always goes the extra mile for patients. If you are a first-time visitor coming into our practice for care, we will ensure that you get the attention you need to enjoy better health and a more confident smile. The entire team at our office truly loves what they do and enjoys helping patients achieve and maintain rejuvenated smiles.
Focusing on Patient Education
Knowing how to keep your teeth clean and better care for your smile at home helps patients build the right foundation for a lifetime of healthier smiles. Dr. Botsford and his team place an emphasis on education to give patients the tools they need to minimize their risk of tooth decay and gum disease. For patients who need it, we can utilize educational videos to demonstrate brushing and flossing techniques. We use your appointment time to answer questions and provide insight into current dental conditions or how to avoid future health issues.
Contact our Medford, OR, Office Today
For more information, contact our office today for your consultation or next teeth cleaning.